From the Desk of 



San José Arts Advocates is a collaborative project driven by the San José creative community dedicated to education, advocacy, and action to support arts and culture.
September 16, 2020

Let's go to the replay! City Council Candidate Forums

Recently, San José Arts Advocates hosted our first-ever series of candidate forums with the incumbents and challengers vying for City Council Districts 4 and 6 in the November 2020 elections, which could swing the balance of power on the council.

Over two nights in early September, we engaged the four candidates in a wide-ranging conversation around critical issues facing San José’s arts and cultural community, including funding, displacement, housing, taxes, COVID-19 recovery, and more.

Couldn’t watch live? Don’t worry, we recorded both sessions and posted them on our YouTube channel:

Watch the District 4 Candidate Forum (recorded 9/14/20)

Watch the District 6 Candidate Forum (recorded 9/9/20)

We’d like to thank candidates David CohenLan Diep (District 4) and Dev Davis & Jake Tonkel (District 6) for taking the time to join us. And major kudos to our moderators Amanda Rawson & Mighty Mike McGee (D4) and Brendan Rawson & Usha Srinivasan (D6), all members of the SJAA Core Team.

If you’d like to learn more about the candidates, we encourage you to visit their websites:

And with less than 50 days before the November 3 election, make sure you have a plan to VOTE:

Stay tuned for more opportunities to engage with SJAA and city leaders around the future of arts and culture in San José!